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About EMG

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Established in 2001, the United Nations (UN) Environment Management Group (EMG) is a UN system coordination body on environment and human settlements. 

The Group's membership includes over 50 UN organizations, consisting of specialized agencies, programmes, and organs, as well as the secretariats of Multilateral Environmental Agreements.

EMG members come together to identify issues on the international environmental agenda that require joint action. The Group harnesses its collective expertise and capacity to create coordinated management responses to these issues.

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Thematic groups


Nexus Dialogues

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Our Work

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The EMG promotes ongoing dialogue on environmental issues at the highest level within the UN system. At the technical level, it primarily operates through time-bound Issue Management Groups (IMGs) and Consultative Processes, each dedicated to specific environmental topics. These thematic interagency groups facilitate knowledge sharing, develop unified strategies, conduct gap analyses, and create implementation tools. This enhances coherence in the UN's support for Member States, optimizes resource use, and strengthens environmental sustainability across UN policies and programs.

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